
A guide to setting up high-speed cellular rural Internet access

A router for high-speed rural Internet access with 4G LTE

Check coverage Example configurations

In some areas, cellular Internet access is now faster and less expensive than more traditional options like cable, DSL, and satellite. This website is a guide to help you decide whether to switch to a cellular Internet connection and, if so, to walk you through the process. It does that in four steps:

  1. Check your coverage
  2. Pick a mobile network and data plan
  3. Select the right hardware
  4. Install the hardware

I was inspired to create this site after I upgraded my rural Internet connection from a pair of slow ADSL lines to a significantly faster and less expensive 4G LTE connection. The example configurations section contains more details on my switch, along with two more straightforward configurations. Check it out if you’re curious about the potential benefits, or are the type of person who learns best by example.

While upgrading my Internet connection, I found that there were a lot of great resources on the Internet for specific topics, like how to pick an antenna or configure a router. Still, I couldn’t find a guide tying everything together. This website is that missing guide. I hope it helps you to obtain a faster Internet connection.

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